Day 29

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States: Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee
Miles driven: 847
Miles hiked: 0
Slept: At a friend’s in Nashville.
10 words or less: Someone told me it was 9 hours to Nashville. Liar!

Nashville’s nice

In the morning, I found a biker asleep on the bench I’d seen the black widow hanging out by. His dog was asleep on a tarp on the ground. I warned him about the spider, but he didn’t seem to care. I wondered how the dog rode on the bike with him. Hmm.

Later in the drive I decided it was time to wash the car. It was totally caked with mud. It was so thick and hard, I had to chip it off with a plastic chisel and the back of a hatchet, like I was sculpting marble, before I could even think of washing it. I’d asked some locals at a filling station where to get a wash. They started rattling off street names and railroad tracks to cross and churches I’d pass to find it. They were oblivious to my look of complete and utter confusion. “Ok thanks” I said, and turned to walk out. I had no idea where they were talking about and was too tired to clarify. I did, however, turn back and ask “what city am I in?” before leaving. I lucked out and just followed one road and found a do it yourself car wash a mile away. It was kind of sad to clean off the wonderful mud. I wanted to take it home with me.

Other than that, it was another long day of driving for the rest of the day. I put on a lot of miles and made it to Nashville where I met up with an old friend and got to crash with him and his roomie for the night. I’d gotten in kind of late, so it was a short but sweet visit. I didn’t see much of Nashville, but I really liked the town. It was very easy to get around in.



















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