Day 23

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States: Arizona, Utah
Miles driven: 147
Miles hiked: 8
Slept: In the Bunny mobile in the parking lot of the BLM visitor center in Kanab, UT.
10 words or less: Cloud filled Grand Canyon. Hiked lots. Went back to Utah!

Bowl of Clouds

I had to get up well before the sun to beat the park rangers patrolling the park. Trouble was every inch of the interior windows were covered with condensation. I couldn’t see out! Ugh, not a good start to the day. It was still cold, but the rain had diminished to an irritating mist. I drove to the visitor center and started on a quest to find a view of the canyon that wasn’t obscured by the clouds. Around noon I finally had a clear, albeit hazy, view. I think the photos say it all.

Cape Final

Roosevelt Point

Hikes: I took a tiny walk down a paved path to Bright Angel Point, hiked 1 mile to Cape Royal, 4 miles to Cape Final, and got about 3.5 miles of a 4 mile round trip hike to Point Imperial banged out before a bank of black clouds starting spewing lightening. Yeah, I’m standing atop a canyon by myself in a field of wild flowers and burnt tree trunks, so I’m just going to make a hasty retreat.

Another narrow escape from a nasty storm. Point Imperial Trail.

Other than having 2 hours of non-cloud-clogged skies, it was a pretty ok day. I took advantage of the laundry and shower facilities, made lunch in the picnic area and headed back up the road. There’s only one road in and out of the North Rim. When I got to the T in the road, where right meant heading around the canyon towards Page, AZ and left meant heading back to Kanab – back to Utah, I paused ever so briefly. Could I? I couldn’t. Wait. Yes I can. Fuck it! I went left. As soon as I turned, a rainbow appeared in the pink sky directly over a rainbow colored school bus. It was clearly a sign I’d made the right choice.

I was so stupidly excited. I kept yelling to myself “Fuck it! Fuck Arizona! I’m going back! Wooyeah!” Goddamnit, I do love Utah.

That night I slept in my car again in Kanab, this time in the visitor center parking lot where they hold the lottery for the Wave. Yes, I’m glad I went on to see the Grand Canyon, clearly it is a must see, but I’m even more glad I made the decision to turn back to Utah. Stay tuned to see why.

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2 thoughts on “Day 23

  1. Nanette M.

    I’ve read about a third of your entries and the “letter” (wiping tear…so moved by your words!). The pictures are so beautiful and I love your writing style. Thanks for sharing=^).

    PS Write the darn book, you are so talented!!! xo

    • Thank you so much, Nani!!! It means a lot to hear this. I have started writing more. I’ll keep you posted when it’s ready for public consumption. xoxo

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