Day 18

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States: Utah
Miles driven: 243
Miles hiked: 1
Slept: My tent, dispersed campsite in Hole in the Rock Rd off Scenic Highway 12, Escalante.
10 words or less: Morning nature walk – deer family. STUNNING Highway 12/Escalante – CRIED!!!!!


Pictographs. San Rafael Swell, UT.

In the morning I met up with a new friend from Woody’s for a tour of the petroglyphs in Moonflower Canyon, where I’d camped a few nights before. Driving back, we found a wetland preserve brimming with wildflowers and lush green grasses. We took a short walk down a trail and wood planked walkway that led to a gazebo. There, a family of deer were grazing. They were a little wary of us at first, but came around and gave us an amazing show. Ahhh nature. Friggin’ awesome.

It was time to say goodbye to Moab and be on my way toward Zion National Park. It was August 18th and I had to be there on the 19th. With little time to spare, I worked my way West on I-70 then South on 24. I just had to stop in the San Rafael Swell. My hearts canyon home. I drove towards Goblin Valley State Park, but didn’t actually go in the entrance and followed a gravel road as far as the Bunny Mobile would take me. I hopped out, studied a map and picked a canyon to explore. There were mining shack ruins nearby and supposedly some pictographs, though I never found those particular pictographs. I loaded up with triple the water I thought I’d need, even though I was only going to be gone for the couple of hours I had before I’d need to get on the road again. It turned out I needed the water – the sun was bearing down on me pretty fiercely! I used the hike to do a little rock collecting. I’d heard that you can take 10lbs out on an annual basis. Mission accomplished. I found some petrified wood, a few potential fossils and what I’m told is petrified dinosaur shit. Sweeeeeeet.

Back on the road, I found my way to the scenic byway, highway 12. This, by far, is the most gorgeous stretch of paved road I’ve ever had the overwhelming joy to drive. I drove through Capitol Reef National Park, stopping only briefly to check out some petroglyphs and snap some shots of some deer. The drive up and over Boulder Mountain was in a cloudy haze, but it lifted when I reached the bottom. On the other side, the stunning expanse of canyons in Escalante Grand Staircase National Park moved me to tears. Big old blubbery tears of joy.

Escalante is my favorite place on earth. I do not say that lightly. I had some sort of fucking spiritual experience there, even just driving through it. I wanted to sit on the edge of an overlook for the rest of the sunlit day and stare off into it, but I had little sun left and little time to find a place to camp. I found my way to Hole in the Rock road, a place recommended by my Park City friend, Nate. Dispersed camping was plentiful and the sunset at camp was spectacular. I made dinner and jiffy pop for dessert. My car would smell like popcorn for a week.

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